I hate packing lunches.
It's literally one of my least favorite household tasks along with putting laundry away and doing dishes.
But I have found some ways to make packing lunches a little more exciting and a lot more green!
Enter the wean green containers! I have no idea where that name came from, but these little babies have changed my life for the better!
Before I tell you about today's Friday Favorite, I will give you a little background as to how I stumbled upon these pretty babies.

I had been been trying to find ways to green our lunches since my whole crusade started last year. I first purchased these Kids Konserve sandwich wrappers through amazon and they are a great way to wrap up a sandwich without using foil or Saran Wrap or a plastic baggie...all three of which creates unnecessary waste after just one use. They work really well for sandwiches, but I wanted something that I could use to put chips or grapes or other snacks in.
So then I found these cool lunchskins snack baggies on ecomom and they work really well for snacky kind of stuff. They wash out really well and are super cute.
I was using these two items but then we were still using plastic glad and ziploc containers for other messier items like cottage cheese or yogurt or soup.
The more research I did the more I realized the dangers of plastic food storage containers and the toxins that leach from the plastic, especially if the plastic is too old or when it is microwaved. So I kept going in my search to find reusables that were glass. I couldn't find anything that A) I liked, or B) were affordable. So I just was really cognizant about not microwaving in plastic containers as much as I could.
Then around Christmas time this year I discovered ecomom. I LOVE this website. Consequently it's being revamped right now but will be back in a few months. Anyways, I discovered this site and that is where I found the wean green cubes. They are super affordable and are AMAZING! They are made of really heavy duty glass and can be kept cold, frozen, heated up, you name it! The lids are free from any of the dangerous stuff that is in plastic. They seal up really well too and won't leak! They come in tons of shapes and sizes, see?

I LOVE the colors!
I think the prices are pretty reasonable, about $12-$18 for two. That may seem like a lot when you are comparing it to gladware, but these will last you a lot longer, and who can argue that it is worth it to pay a little bit more for something that is going to be better for your health? These babies have dropped on my kitchen floor and have not broken. They are made to last! I love these so much that I actually cried when my aussie ate one of my pink lids-little did I know you can order replacement parts!
Wean green cubes are my favorite this week because they are such a better option for packing lunches than using ziploc bags, and they are such a better option for food storage than chemical laden plastic containers. And the bottom line is that they make making lunches much more fun! In order to green my kitchen I have been trading my plastic containers for these, and using the plastic for non-food items or recycling it.
So go ahead and order yourself some wean green cubes. They are available from the wean green website, amazon, ecomom, and tons of other online retailers. Keep an eye out for sales and deals and eventually you can trade all that yucky plastic for safe, eco-friendly, useful, and adorable glass!
Love and Laughs,
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