Surprisingly, people often ask me...
Why I use cloth diapers on my child instead of
Why I am still nursing my daughter even though I am back at
Why I use reusable bags at the store, and glass containers instead of
plastic Tupperware.
Well, I recently stumbled across
this video. It's only 4 minutes and worth a watch. But this explains WHY
I have made those choices for my family.
The world is not a safe place for our children...or us for that matter. EVERYTHING has toxins in it. Things that our babies put in their mouths, eat, inhale. Unfortunately the government can't keep up or turns a blind eye. That's why we need to advocate for our children. No one can do it but YOU. Your child depends on you to make those choices for her.
We are destroying our planet.We put so much garbage into landfills and so many chemicals into the air that our ozone layer and natural resources are becoming depleted. Global warming is real and it's not going away. People are increasing their carbon footprint and many don't care. Convenience has trumped health and social responsibility.
But we can all do something about it.
The reason I like this video so much is because of the message. Yes, the world is a scary place full of toxins, and it may seem daunting and nearly impossible to keep all of them away. But that isn't an excuse to do nothing. I am not perfect by any means and I am the first one to admit that my home and lifestyle are not completely toxin free. Because to completely uproot your life to avoid toxins is hard. But slowly and surely I am working on it! And all it takes is one person to change one thing to start the process of living clean. Or a life event that makes you realize that if the world wasn't such a toxic place maybe things would be different (how exactly DID I "get" PCOS?)
That's why I write this blog and that's why I share my beliefs with others. I don't ever try to push my views on others (and I hope people don't ever feel like I am!) but rather I try to educate. Because if I help just ONE person change ONE thing then maybe they will convince someone else to change one thing. And so on. And hopefully someday the world will be a safer place for all of us. But without being educated about the scary truths in today's world nothing will ever change.
After all, as one of my favorite children's book says:

It's not all that hard to make simple changes in your life. Some might work for you and some might not. And that's ok. The important thing is to remain educated. Pay attention to what you are bringing into your home. Even if you change one thing a month or year it's better than nothing!
Here are some small changes we have made that are do-able:
- Replace household cleaning products with "green" options.
Some good recipes:
Vinegar and peroxide disinfectant
Homemade dishwasher detergent
Homemade bleach alternative
- Using cloth diapers
- Use certified organic cosmetics
- Use reusable bags while shopping
- Switch to glass
- Try soap nuts (or another option for detergent)
According to
Soap nuts are found in both the eastern and western hemispheres, but are native to India and Nepal. They have recently become a popular environmentally friendly alternative to chemical detergent, and are a gentle option for those with allergies to chemicals in regular detergents. They have traditionally been used as an expectorant, and in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for eczema and psoriasis. Soap nuts contain saponin, a natural detergent. The soap nut shell absorbs water and releases the saponins which circulate as a natural surfactant in the wash water, freeing dirt, grime, and oils from clothing.
Soap nuts last forever! They are cheap, natural, and make your clothes smell fresh and clean without buildup or residue! I highly recommend trying them out!
Again, remember, even products claiming to be natural have cancer causing chemicals. Check out this article about Tide Free and Gentle. There is also a good recipe for homemade laundry soap. I used to make my own but I liked Soap nuts better. Just personal preference!
What do you to say to the New Year's Resolution of "Going Green?!" I challenge everyone to try to make just one change to your life and see where it takes you! I hope no one thinks I am being preachy with this post. (Then again it is my blog and I am allowed to write what I want, right?!) :) You can choose to read and see what I have to say or not. I will never try to push my beliefs on anyone, just try to educate because I am passionate about what I believe in. I hope that by sharing my passions that I might help change a mind or two. If I help someone make a small change in their life then I feel successful! Thanks for reading, as always!
Love and Laughs,
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