I came across this
post recently on Huffington Post after catching the link on Twitter.
And it struck so close to home. Everyone is always saying what you
shouldn't say to a stay at home mom and how stay at home moms have it so
hard and everything (which they DO, I AGREE). BUT, working moms have it
tough too. Basically if you are a mom, life is tough. But you do what
you do to make your child's life better in any way you can. But I always
resent when people make it seem like I am going off to work every day
and leaving my child behind because I lost some sort of bet.
I feel like I can speak to both sides of the issue because for 4 months I was a stay at home mommy. So I know what it's like to stay at home and I know what it's like to work and be a mom.
will tell you that working moms have it tough. And I don't think
working moms always get enough credit. Not only are we responsible for
taking care of everything at work (In my case: deadlines, lesson plans,
correcting, meeting state standards, meetings, writing grants, planning
field trips, parent teacher conferences, more meetings, report cards,
being evaluated, inspiring, loving, and educating the future leaders of
America, etc. etc. etc.) And all while not getting paid a very hefty
salary. On top of work responsibilities we don't get to just come home
and relax. No, we come home after a very busy day at work, pick up the
baby from child care and we have to start our second job. Just because I
am at work doesn't mean that I still don't have to do laundry, pay
bills, vacuum, clean, clean, clean, do more laundry, pack the day care
bag, pack lunches, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, make dinner, do
dishes, fold the laundry, run errands, feed the baby, etc. etc. etc.
am NOT complaining. I LOVE my job and wouldn't trade it for anything.
(Well, I might trade it for retiring to a beach side villa in a tropical
paradise for the rest of my days, but that isn't an option). No way, I
love my job and I love being a mom. And I am lucky because my husband is
a big help. We share chore responsibilities and he takes care of a lot
of the big stuff including dropping the baby off at baby school and
picking her up half of the time. And I wouldn't trade being a mom for
anything. At the end of the day even my most difficult moments with the
baby are the best ones of my day. Not that she is difficult, but on the
off chance that she is fussy, or up at night, or sick, I always think to
myself that even at those toughest of times when you are exhausted and
want to pull your hair out, that's still better than anything else
because I have her to love.
You would be surprised at
the ridiculous things people have said to me. And much of it I am sure
was not meant to be harmful! But it still really hurts when you KNOW you
are doing right by your child and people still question it or make
comments. So when I read Devon's post it really struck a chord with me! I
am re-posting the main part of the post here because I loved it so
much. Below are the dumb questions/statements people give and the blog
author's response. Excerpts from the post are highlighted in blue. I
have bolded and underlined my favorite parts!
And just an FYI-people have said all of these things to me at some point in some fashion.
incredibly sad that in our society many people just don't think before
they speak and hopefully they will start to get the hint that it's just
not acceptable to say things that judge another person's lifestyle or
Can't you afford to stay home?
Let's assume for a minute that I can't. Let's imagine I work to help
pay the mortgage and buy groceries and send our kids to college. Where
does this conversation go now? Awkward, right? Next thing you know, I'm
going to be asking you how much your husband earns so you can stay
home. Let's agree not to go there.
Then let's say I can afford to stay home. The question assumes the
reason I work is entirely financial. Which is part of it, to be sure. If
I could make money watching bad reality TV and doing yoga all day, I
would. Since I can't, I work at a more traditional job -- but it's not
all about the money. I value my education and the years I've devoted to
my career. I think it is good for our boys to see me working outside
our home so they know that a woman isn't confined to being a wife and a
mother. I also know that some day our kids will be off at college or
started on careers of their own and I want to keep a foot in the working
world so when that time comes, I'm not staring at a big gap in my
resume that makes it harder for me to get a job. I also like the
equality that exists in my marriage because both my husband and I put
money in the bank. That's just me. But this particular question devalues
all of those considerations and, in turn, my choices. Please don't do
I'd give anything to get away from my kids for an entire day.
If you really mean it, I'm happy to help you polish your resume. You
can be away from your kids all day, every day! Of course, along with
that "freedom" you'll feel guilty about being away from them and will
wonder if they're ok because they're home with a babysitter or in day
care. Going to work every morning and waving to my kid from the
upstairs bathroom window isn't a spa day. It's sort of like doing a
triathalon. You start each day with a morning plunge into icy water,
getting everyone to school/work then do an an eight-hour bike ride, all
topped off with a half-marathon of dinner, homework, baths and bedtime.
During your bike ride not only will you be expected to pedal hard,
you'll also have to take phone calls from the school, the babysitter,
and the doctor, respond to birthday party invitations, take a quick side
trip to grab supplies for an art project, order groceries and a new
pair of jeans and remember to return library books because it all needs
to get done RIGHT NOW. If you're lucky, there's some wine left over in
the fridge.
I would like to point out that
even when I am exhausted and overwhelmed and stressed I NEVER want to
be away from Charlotte. EVER. When she is apart from me I feel like a
piece of me is missing. But it's a fact of life and as the author of the
blog says you get over it because you have to. And you know what? I
know that being apart from her makes me appreciate the time we DO spend
together even more. I never feel "obligated" to be with my child because
I have to. i genuinely enjoy every minute.
I'd miss my child too much to be away from him all day.
I know. I completely understand. You get over it. Because you have to.
This one REALLY makes me
mad. You think I don't miss my baby?! I miss her every second of every
day. I miss her when she is sleeping in the co-sleeper 5 inches from me.
I miss her when someone else is holding her. Again, being away from her
makes me appreciate her that much more!!!!
The problem with this country today is that not enough moms are home raising their children.
I know! I couldn't agree more! Oh, wait. You're not advocating for paid
parental leave, flexible work schedules or telecommuting, are you?
You're not picketing in support for working parents (because, let's face
it, some dads would like to be able to spend more time with their kids
too) so they can make good choices for their families, right? You just
want more moms to stay home. It's possible those families would be
better off living under a cloud of financial or psychological stress to
adhere to a traditional view of families, but I'm not buying it. If I
see one more comment about how dual-earner families are undermining the
very fabric of society I will lose my mind. Last I checked, no one in my
family had shot anyone, stolen anything, cheated on a test, run a red
light, or even so much as littered. Of course, I've been working all
morning, so things may have changed since breakfast.
Why did you have kids only to let someone else raise them?
People have said this to me. People have said this to my friends. It's
a good thing that I didn't have the power to incinerate them with my
laser beam eyes. If I hear it again, I'll refer you to item no. 1 for
the reasons I might work outside of my home. And then I'll just ask you
to be a TAD LESS JUDGMENTAL THANK YOU VERY MUCH.<-------FTR people have said this to me too. REALLY?! I had Little Dude
because every fiber of my being wanted to be a mother and we felt like
our family was incomplete without another person in it. Loving and
raising a child is not incompatible with having support to do that. We
are grateful and proud to have wonderful people who help us -- from
family to friends to teachers and babysitters. But make no mistake, my
husband and I are raising our kids. We aren't home every day, but we
are a presence in our kids' lives at every moment.
I don't know how you do it. It must be so hard.
It is. I don't know how I do it. But I don't think that's because I
work, I think it's because parenting is hard whether you stay at home or
go off to the office. I don't know how any of us do it. It's glorious
and rewarding and full of love and it is the hardest thing I've ever
done. Balancing kids with anything else, whether a paying job or
running a household or finding time to watch Honey Boo Boo, is nearly
You must be so organized to be able to balance everything.
I have a love/hate reaction to this statement. At first, I bask in the
affirmation. I believe I am organized. Then I remember -- I am one set
of lost keys away from a meltdown. I have mismatched socks, my kid went
to school with jelly on his face and I haven't exercised in a week. I
have piles of books and clothes and god knows what else in my bedroom. I
forgot a conference call yesterday and lost the planetarium permission
slip. I let something slide every day. There is no balance. Only
carefully controlled chaos. Pretty much like everyone else's life.
There's always time to work later, these early years are so precious.
All the years are precious. And why don't people say this to fathers?
People have actually said to
me "Well for us it was just more important for me to be home to be with
my babies through the most important years." RUDE. Like I don't want to
be there? See above. I DO. But as a teacher especially I know the value
of children learning routines and socializing, and also realizing that
there are other people on the planet besides them! And not for nothing,
my daughter is already at not even a year old working on social skills,
fine motor, sensory skills, etc. She is happy to see her teachers every
day and is always smiling when I walk in to pick her up. She is well
taken care of and learning SO MUCH ALREADY!
You look exhausted.
Gee! Thanks! Wanna give me a day at the spa? And then watch my kid for
me so I can relax? No? Then let's just pretend we can't see the bags
under my eyes.
Again, I have gotten this a few times. Yea I am tired. I am BUSY. So is everyone. That doesn't give you the right to comment on how I look. Even
with a baby I still make sure I take a shower and do my hair and makeup
every morning because it's important to me to feel put together so I
can face the day. So when I hear this even after I have worked hard on
making myself somewhat presentable for public viewing it just puts a
damper on my day.
At least you treasure every minute you have with your son.
Well, maybe not all of them. Because sometimes Little Dude is a monster
and I get home at the witching hour, just in time to force him to eat
his carrots, make him brush his teeth and go to bed. Which, as any
parent will tell you, is just the most relaxing time of day. This is why
I keep a chilled bottle of wine in the fridge. Despite that, of course,
I do treasure my time with my kids, but I have a hard time believing
that would be different if I were home more.
I don't completely agree with. Maybe because my little one is still so
young and hasn't given me any tantrums or monster like moments quite
yet. Maybe she will. Maybe she never will. But I DO treasure every
single moment with her because I wanted her SO much! I had to work
really really hard to be a mom and I treasure every cry, every dirty
diaper, every sleepless night, and every smile because even my worst day
with my baby is my best because she is HERE and she is MINE!
Don't you worry you're missing out?
Every day. But then my son runs into my arms when I pick him up from
school and climbs into my bed in the morning to tell me I'm the "best
mommy ever," and I know it's going to be ok.
biggest fear is that my baby girl is going to crawl or say her first
word at baby school. But I know in my heart I am doing what is best for
her and working hard for her and it makes me feel a teensy bit better. I
cherish her teachers and you know what? If they happen to see some
first milestones I know they will be so excited to give me every detail
and make me feel like I was there. And knowing that they love her so
much makes me the happiest mom in the world.
So the next time you have a comment about a working mom or dad think first before you speak. Because words hurt, and frankly it's none of your business! What I always tell my students? Worry about you, and no one else!
Why Saliva is So Important
12 hours ago
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