Facebook and I have always had a love hate relationship. It's like a
drug. It's literally addictive. But at the same time I hate it. I liken
it to how junkies must feel. They hate what the drug does to them but
they keep going back for more. Facebook has been my drug of choice for
quite some time.
What is it about sharing everything
about one's life with the world? Why do we feel the need to share so
much of ourselves? What can we possibly gain from all this instant
sharing? Social networks are supposed to bring people together but yet
at the same time they become isolating. We hide behind our gadgets
instead of spending actual face time with people. Now granted some of you
might say that blogging is the same thing, but I don't think it is. I
feel like my blog is a space to create and share in a way that Facebook
doesn't allow. Ok so maybe it IS livejournal for the next generation.
But unlike my old livejournal where I lamented about boyfriends and got
all emo sometimes, I enjoy blogging because I like to write. And not
being a "writer" by trade I feel that blogging gives me that outlet. And
who knows, maybe blogging could turn into something more. And if not
then at least I can share this blog with my children one day and show
them who their mama was.
When Facebook was first around
(and I suppose even before that it was MySpace), it was fun to connect
with people from your past, share photos and music, and deck out your
profile. Haha I remember the days of AOL profiles when I was first
learning HTML script to change the colors on my page. Even back then it
was all about what everyone thought of my page. Food for thought. Do we
care more about how we project ourselves to be online, or who we are in
But recently (and maybe long ago, but I am
just now realizing), Facebook has become such a negative place. There
were times during the presidential election when I literally wanted to
punch people. I was so annoyed over people's political posts that I
installed social fixer to hide them. I myself was guilty of this for a
time too but I quickly realized that if I was annoyed by others then
others must be annoyed by me. So I tried to stick with just posts about
my darling girl.
Suddenly Facebook has become one big
commercial. Promoting statuses? Liking everything? I can't take it. Like
this post if you hate cancer. Really?! Of course I hate cancer, who
likes it?! But do I have to show that I hate it? Unreal.
how about the posts of abused animals? Good heavens I know it happens
but I don't want to be reminded of it as I'm scrolling through my
newsfeed! It's bad enough that every time I'm watching tv I have to run
screaming from the room because of the ASPCA commercials. Damn you Sarah
I've considered this a few times. I
thought about how I'd keep in touch with people. But then I realized
that the people who really care about me are not going to stop talking
to me without Facebook. So I guess it's the true test of friendship in
this day and age. Not that I'm trying to test my friends I just hate the
games Facebook makes me play.
Wait this person unfriended me? Why? What did I do wrong?
Omg I have unfriended this person before and they keep refriending me. Clearly you just want to see my stuff. Stalker.
friend list is way too long and I want to cut it down. I better not cut
this person though because I might see him/her around and then they'll
ask me why and it will be awkward.
Or even
this person has never ever liked or commented on a picture of my baby
yet they've commented on and liked pictures of my friend's baby. What
the heck?
I guarantee every person reading this has experienced at least one if not all of those situations!
am the first one to admit that I have/had a Facebook problem.
Especially when I was on maternity leave. Armed with a smart phone or
laptop there's not much else to do when baby is sleeping in your arms or
nursing. You're planted in one spot so why not go on Facebook?
I went back to work I have to say I'm proud of myself for cutting way
back on Facebook. I was testing myself and it worked. I can survive
without checking it every hour. The world won't stop spinning if I don't
post a status.
And the more I got to thinking the
more I realized that Facebook has made me really annoyed with people I
love at times. And that's not healthy. On the same token there are
people that I will miss. I have made some friendships predominately
through Facebook and those relationships are what Facebook is what all
about. Connecting with people you may not have had the chance to
otherwise, or in a different way because they are long distance. But
with this experiment I have to just do it all at once-like pulling off a
band aid.
So as part of my journey in 2013 I've made
the courageous decision to deactivate. I think it will do me a lot of
good. I want to strengthen friendships and relationships the old
fashioned way: in person. And I want to be a good role model for my
beautiful little girl. We don't believe in screen time for her, so what
kind of mom would I be if I didn't give it up/cut it down myself?
am not leaving the Internet behind. I will still be tweeting, and if
you click the button on the top of this blog you can follow me on
twitter. I like twitter because I feel like it embodies what Facebook
used to be-social commentary that is witty (140 characters!) and doesn't
leave too much room to be negative, critical, or judgmental. So follow
me on twitter at @msbuffalove for my witty banter and social commentary
and also the occasional picture of food.
I decided to
also keep my Instagram account which is danijean5. I really like
Instagram because like twitter it's not too crazy. Just pictures! So
feel free to hop on there as well!
And for updates on
our life and our adventures please follow this blog by
email. On the side of the page there is a widget that allows you to get
an email each time I post...which I hope I'll have more time for now
that I'm not wasting away on Facebook.
And who knows, maybe I will be back.
probably will be back. But for right now I have to just quit. It's like
my old yahoo account. At one point it had so many emails to shift
through that I had to just stop checking it and make a completely new
account. That's how I feel about Facebook. Right now I have "liked" so
many things, joined so many groups, and followed so many pages that my
newsfeed is constantly cluttered with nonsense. So maybe in time I will
be back and I will make a new one or go back to the old and take the
time to sift through. But right now I just want to be with my little one
and my husband and my dogs, and enjoy life without the Facebook monster
consuming my free minutes.
So in 2013 I challenge you
my fellow readers. Take the Facebook Challenge. Think you can go cold
turkey? Wish me luck. I hope you are making positive changes to improve
your quality of life as well.
DIY Hair Oil Treatment
11 hours ago
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